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Cheetah Kids Curriculum: 3 year old
Week 1: Strength & Directions
Climbing up furniture
Walks up stairs
Scribbling, lines and circular strokes
Navigating 1 inch mazes
2-3 step directions
Hand strength
Writing name
Week 2: Balance& Endurace
Walking on tip toes
Standing on one foot for 7-10 seconds
Seated/standing balance
Reaching off midline
Week 3: Agility & Dexterity
Unscrews jars
Large buttons
Basic cutting (across sheet)
Lego Duplo
Week 4: Accuracy & Precision
Kicking stationary ball
Throwing a ball overhead
4-12 piece puzzles
Stacks 6 blocks
Counting objects

4710 Ravenswood Road
Riverdale Park, MD 20737

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4710 Ravenswood Road
Riverdale Park, MD 20737

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(301) 892-6466

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